Author: Jessica
December 06, 2018
Great Question! What’s Your Whole Purpose?
Well, let me introduce myself if you don’t already know.
My name is Jessica Dahl and I am a fun loving woman who radically LOVES people. I always have. I’m a recovering people pleaser, that’s how much I love others. I am a wellness & life coach, host leadership retreats and yoga/mission trips.
At a young age I learned to chase my dreams and to believe it was possible to achieve whatever I had in my heart to do. This led me to becoming a hairdresser and in the wellness industry. I LOVED how it made others feel and look their best on the inside and out and I felt very fulfilled myself.
One other dream I had was to go travel the world and help people. I ended up finding clarity that I was to leave my wonderful life on the beach of Southern California and live with a backpack and tent to do mission work for a year. It was on this trip on the World Race that changed my life forever.
1. I saw there was a need that those on the mission field that were serving were constantly being burnt out, eating horribly and not exercising. I thought, “this can’t be healthy. If we are going to serve others, don’t we need to be serving at our best?” I then went on to teach others how to travel and exercise, eat healthy, and to be healthy and whole, body, mind, spirit.
2. While we were in Thailand working with human trafficking, there was a woman who I asked to cut her hair…in 15 minutes her whole life changed right in front of me. I knew my cutting shears were a tool that could transform lives.
3. I met a friend named Lindsey who was teaching yoga in the parks to women who were in the sex-for-sale industry and I saw it was transforming their lives on the inside and out. I saw this also as a tool that could transform lives. I wondered if I could use this tool for others.
It was in these life changing experiences for me that made me realize that every single person has a gift to offer the world. It doesn’t matter what that gift, talent or skill is. All that matters is that once you connect that passion and connect it with that gift you have to give – that is the sweet spot. There is a bigger purpose to every persons life.
This is why I am on a mission to Inspire, Equip, and Empower people into the fullness of who they are. I also believe that in order to live fully into your purpose you also need to recognize wholeness. You are created as a whole person and we can’t neglect areas of our lives that lead to burn out. There are ways to live into our purposes and serve those around us and the world when we are healthy, body, mind, spirit. How can we give anything if we are running on empty?
This is why I have created Your Whole Purpose LLC.
Join the conversation and be apart of uncovering Your Whole Purpose